Senolytics Bears Fruit!

As a major subdivision of geroscience, the emergent field of senolytics hit paydirt with this landmark Scripps Research Institute and Mayo Clinic publication showing that fisetin alone dramatically extends lifespan of mammals, even when initiated at the equivalent of 75 human years of age! 

Fisetin is a senotherapeutic that extends health and lifespan

The results are stunningat an age when EVERY normally fed mammal had died of old age, ALL subjects supplemented with fisetin remained alive in good health with a mean lifespan increase of 35% and a maximum lifespan increase of 11%.

Groundbreaking studies like these continue to pile on evidence that SENOLYTICSthe elimination of inflammation-spewing, senescent ‘Zombie’ cellsreally does target a root cause of aging coined ‘inflammaging’ in the year 2000.

These data extended findings that fisetin alone improves healthspan and increases lifespan of many other species previously tested. Similar physiological benefits discovered in various human tissue have recently sparked dozens of ongoing clinical trials and lab studies using fisetin to target virtually every major age-related ailment, such as frailty, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, neurological disorders and cancer.

Senescent ‘Zombie’ cells exponentially accumulate in aging human tissues, especially at sites of pathology, where they create death spirals by converting healthy neighboring cells into new Zombie cells. Another reason they’re called Zombies is because they’re crying out to be killled via inflammatory signaling, but their cell-suicide mechanisms, coupled with a waning immune system, become deranged with increasing age. Fisetin (and several chemotherapy drugs with toxic side effects unlike perfectly safe fisetin), are now known to push them over the ‘apoptosis’ edge.

Confirming evidence shows that Zombie cells transplanted from old into young animals cause disease and rapid aging within each organ site of injection, while animals genetically modified to enhance Zombie cell suicide live longer in better health.

Because dose means everything, each daily serving of Super3Longevity is fortified with over 300 mg of 99% pure fisetin, a similar amount per body weight used in the above-described studies. Fisetin is a completely non-toxic, natural flavonoid found predominantly in strawberries and apples, yet even the world’s healthiest diets on average offer only 0.4 mg per day, so you’ll never get optimal amounts from whole foods. Interestingly, fisetin is more efficiently extracted from the medicinal Smoketree, a source of treatment for many age-associated diseases dating to antiquity.

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